About Me

My name is Dana Philipps. Welcome to my creative writing blog!

I earned my BS in biology from Montclair State University and my PhD in biomedical science (concentration in genetics and developmental biology) at the University of Connecticut Health Center. After a postdoctoral fellowship at Cornell University, I worked as a medical writer, creating educational programs for physicians, nurses and patients.

In 2007, I joined the Westfield High School science department. During my time at WHS, I've taught General Biology, Biology 1, AP Biology and Forensic Science. Since 2011, I have also co-advised the Science Olympiad with Dr. Louis Casagrande. In 2017-2018, I completed post-graduate work in educational leadership at Rowan University.

From 2015-2018, I volunteered with Union County 4H, leading a Lego Robotics club and an outdoor adventure club, Goosechase. Outside of school, I like to travel with my family, play board games like D&D with my friends and snuggle with our chihuahua, Fiona. I'm also a huge genealogy buff - I've been tracing our family tree since I was in high school. I'm an early adopter of genetic genealogy to solve some of our family mysteries.

To read more about my scientific musings, check out Scientifically Speaking. To learn more about my genealogical interests, check out Across the Sea or Shaking Trees.

You can also follow me on Twitter @dphilz.


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