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Untitled YA Novel Idea - July 19, 2012

          Three silent figures moved slowly down the street in unison.   One was a middle-aged man, tall and gaunt with a threadbare black overcoat.   He was carrying two large suitcases – one under each arm.   Another was a squat, plump woman in an orchid cape.   She had her wiry gray hair arranged into a tidy bun.   She had a small valise in one hand and held the hand of a medium-sized girl in the other.   The girl had chestnut-colored curls pinned together at the nape of her neck.   She wore a smart navy overcoat and black leather boots with her traveling dress.   She also wore a frown.

Sleepwalking (A Short Story) - February 2013

You can go through life asleep sometimes, blissfully unconscious of reality.

Skinny Dipping (A Short Story) - June 19, 2012

Harriet sat quietly on the dock, dangling her toes in the cool, murky water.

Soul Search (A Short Story) - June 19, 2012

Drew was a contradiction of a man. On the outside, he was all darkness and leather machismo.

Seasons (A Short Story) - Spring 2011

This story was written for an NPR 3 minute story contest. The idea was to write a story that could be read on air in 3 minutes or less. It was never submitted.

No Visitors Beyond This Point (A Short Story) - 2009

This story was written for submission to an anthology of stories that all had to be written based on the line "No Visitors Beyond This Point". It was not selected for inclusion.

Snapshot (A Short Story ) - July 22, 2001

I The heavy rain of the previous week had softened the earth beside the road considerably.

Teenage Rebellion (A Haiku) - May 13, 2020

pull drag kick scream freeze

On the Occasion of an IEP Meeting - May 13, 2020

if i could wave a wand

What I want to be when I grow up - April 12, 2013

I want to be like a reptile

Scrap - April 12, 2013

We are told –

Unrequited (A Haiku Trilogy) - June 5, 2012

The curve of your face calls 

Graduation - June 5, 2012

Forever you have been the external extension of my heart

Adoration - June 5, 2012

It’s hard to imagine something you have never experienced as being something tangible, real

Surrender - May 17, 2012

She’s like a heat-seeking missile

Grey Hairs - May 17, 2012

Harried fretful days

Declaration - May 17, 2012

Throw away all doubt

Wishful Thinking - May 17, 2012

The dance (tentative at first)

Kyoto Japan - April 8, 2012

When I was small, you guided me through the woods

Cake - February 18, 2002

notes words wrap around me

Birthday Reminiscence - February 18, 2002

no words to tell

Acceptance - February 18, 2002

days pass into past we can never get them back

Untitled - February 18, 2002

the emptiness i don't feel fills me up

Buyer's Remorse - January 4, 2015

Into my head Under my skin

Pathogen - October 24, 1999

you creep into my veins fool me with your wanton ways

Patriarch - October 4, 1999

VERSE 1 i speak to you but you don't listen

Grandmother - June 5, 1998

an old woman sits alone

Dirty Room - June 5, 1998

all my worldly possessions

If only - December 18, 1998

High above rooftops and silent fields,

i am there - December 18, 1998

all those nights spent gazing at the stars

False Start - July 29, 2003

elation is the cruelest betrayal i've known

Hunted - May 1, 2002

games           you play

Goddess - May 1, 2002

i am

Generation - December 4, 2001

goddess-like i sit

Haiku - December 4, 2001

subtle seduction

Untitled - December 4, 2001

the long strong curves of his fingers

Stolen Pleasures - June 30, 2001

the rise of your hips

Touch (A Haiku) - June 30, 2001

copious flesh mounds

Cemetery - June 30, 2001

darkness pervades the ground, cloaked with a saturnine pall

You - June 29, 2001

your lips, your eyes

The Past - June 29, 2001

burn me

Rush Hour - June 29, 2001

the haze that hangs over the summer city begins to collect

Sunrise - June 29. 2001

the tangerine sun

Little Girl - January 13, 1999

little girl, trapped inside a tight tank dress,

Predator - December 20, 1998

i can see my reflection

On Aging - June 20, 1998

The sons cry without abashment

The Widowed Child - June 20, 1998

what child was she